Showing posts with label IMPETUS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMPETUS. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2023

Legio XI VI Cohort

 Legio XI, cohors VI

The legion continues, again Foundry Miniatures. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge.

Auxilla markers



Monday, February 13, 2023

XI Legion V Cohort

 XI Legion, V Cohort

The next cohort of the build, the centre of the line the V Cohort, I have used the Imago for this unit. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. Again Foundry Miniatures 



Saturday, February 11, 2023

XI Legio III Cohort

 III Cohort XI Legio

The next cohort off the desk, the III cohort, again a hand painted vexillum. Another entry for the analogue painting challenge. 



Friday, February 10, 2023

Legion XI, II Cohort

 II Cohort

The second cohort for the Legio, I have hand painted the vexillum, not that happy and I may revisit at some stage. More entries Analogue painting challenge. 



Thursday, February 9, 2023

Roman XI Legion 1st Cohort

 XI Legion Claudia Pia Fidelis

Now for some legion posts to begin,  after this army has sat in my lead storage for at least 7 years as a swap with my great mate Colin for painting a army for him. With the Analogue Painting Challenge this year  I decided to get them done. Now after 5 weeks of painting over the coming weeks I will present to you the XI legion all based for Impetus and the majority are from the Foundry Range. I have 10 cohorts of 15 figures, not sure if I will do a second cohort for the 1st yet …. But I probably will. 

 I also have a Roman commission army so they will follow. So lots of Imperial Roman’s over the next month or so.   


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

General commander on the Danube

 Commander on the Danube

The first piece of my Foundry Imperial Roman command dioramas, a Gaul being questioned about the local tribes…I have a few planned for the analogue painting challenge. The miniatures are all from the foundry range. Really happy with my result. 

General on the Danube


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Imperial Roman Eques

 Imperial Roman Eques Officer 

Another Roman off the desk, this time a commander for my Auxillia. The miniature is from the Foundry Imperial Roman Range. He will command my cavalry units! 


Monday, February 6, 2023

Germanic Chieftain Maroboduus

The Great Crow 

Maroboduus was born into a noble family of the Marcomanni, a Suebi confederation tribe. As a young man, he was a hostage in Italy and under Emperor Augustus. The Marcomanni had been defeated and subjugated by the Romans in a 6 year campaign by 10 BC. In 9 BC, Maroboduus returned to Germania and became ruler of his people as a client and friend of the Romans. With the threat of further Roman expansion into the Rhine-Danube basin, Maroboduus led the Marcomanni to the area later known as Bohemia to be outside the range of the Roman influence. There, he took the title of king and organized a confederation of several neighboring Germanic tribes.

The miniature is from the Warlord Range, but is huuuuuge, 34mm head to eye, so it will not match their plastics and needs to be based separately. 

In early AD 6,  Tiberius launched a campaign against the Marcomanni, seeing the confederation with the Quadi as a threat. Tiberius, Legate Gaius Sentius Saturninus and Consul Legatus Marcus Aemilius Lepidus led an army of 13 legions, totaling around 100,000 men (65,000 heavy infantry legionaries, 10,000–20,000 cavalrymen, archers, and 10,000–20,000 civilians) against Maroboduus.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

General Maximus

 General Maximus 

The next off the table is 28mm General Maximus from Warlord Games. Again quite an easy paint job, the horse is a superb sculpt, the miniature though is on the short side. Again the miniature is for a commission and was a entry in the analogue painting challenge 


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Imperial Roman Scorpions

 Imperial Roman Scorpion Artillery 

Next Roman pieces off the desk are some scorpions, the miniatures are from the Warlord Range, they are from the plastic range. They do paint up quite well, but the arms poses are a little heroic and the fit not great. 

Imperial Roman Scorpion artillery


Monday, January 30, 2023

Roman Siege Artillery

 Imperial Roman Siege Artillery

Off the desk last week two pieces of Roman siege artillery from Warlord Games, they go together nicely but would have liked more crew figures. These are commission figures for my mates army. I have a pair coming up for my army also. 

The Ballista is a superb model, just ensure that you face the twisted rope inwards (I made the mistake of placing it the wrong way around the first time) I drilled out a hole to string it, added plastic warlord stakes, the feet are a little small though in my opinion and so easily topple if it is not glued down properly. . 

The Onager is a nice model but is a bit of trouble to put together, take your time and make sure it is square, I used super glue on one side, then long drying glue to ensure it was straight . I went with the traditional red as requested for the tunics. 

Imperial Roman Ballista, Warlord Games

Imperial Roman Onager Warlord Games 


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Publius Quinctilius Varus And Arminius

Quintili Vare, legiones redde!

Next off the desk are some foundry command, representing Varus and Arminius before the disaster……
Another entry into the analogue painting challenge. Quite a easy paint job on these and quite happy with the result. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Woden The Allfather


 Woden The Allfather 

As Impetus requires a camp and after seeing some Woden idols on the Lead Adventure Forum I decided to put something together for the Analogue Painting Challenge.  Perfect for my Germanic warriors all of the miniatures are from the foundry range. The Woden idol is made from wire and green stuff. 


Sunday, October 30, 2022

Republican Roman casualty markers

 Roman casualties 

This week I finally sat down and completed some bits on my painting desk, so a lot will come off the desk this long weekend in France. 

First up some Warlord Caesarian Roman casualty markers for Impetus, nice and quick, base colour, wash and simple highlights on the skin etc.  I actually run out of basing materiel after these three, as I completed 12 in total…… sorted by the end of the weekend though! 

Next up tribal Germans, than some more Roman’s 



Monday, July 4, 2022

Sassanid Prince Ardeshir II

 Prince Ardeshir II 

Prince Ardeshir, brother of Shapur II and leader of the Pushtigbhan of the royal hosehold. Along with his brother they successfully conquered Armenia and expanded the borders of the empire against Rome and in the east. He predominantly lead the defence in the north against the nomadic tribal invasions and squashed the nobles rebellion until his nephew was made King Shapur III. Another sub general for my Sassanid army, again an A&A miniature which make up the majority of my sassans.



Saturday, July 2, 2022

Sassanid Pushtigbhan, Princes guard

 Sassanid Pushtigbhan 

My second unit of Sassanid Royal guard, this unit is also from A & A miniatures range. These chaps have been in my project drawers for around ten years. I ground off the raised decor with the dremel than sanded the horses smooth with wet and dry sandpaper, so a time consuming job to say the least. Quite happy with them could of spent more time on them but elected to get them table ready. They are the last cavalry unit I have for the army. 


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

King of Kings, Shapur II

 King Of Kings 

I have been on holiday for three months in Australia, the weather was fabulous and it was great to catch up with friends. I had great intentions of painting some figures whilst I was there, however I really did not devote any time really in between family commitments. This is one of the few I actually had time to complete.

King Shapur II, possibly the greatest and longest serving king of the Sassanid empire and a pain in the side to Rome and her allies in the east. The miniature is from the aventine range along with the two retainers and standard, the horse however id from the A&A range and fits in nicely. This vignette almost completes my Sassanid army for Impetus, I would like to buy some more foot, heavy infantry and archers and I will be done. 

King of Kings Shapur II


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Gallic Chieftain Virdovix,

 Doomed Gallic Chieftain Virdovix 

Victrix chieftain Virdovix

I have painted the plastic Victrix gaul to represent the Gallic Chieftain Virdovix, he lead the Uenelli, Aulerci and Lexovii federated tribes (all local western tribes in cotentin peninsula and Normandy) in rebellion against the Romans incursions in 57BC and 56BC.

Three Roman legions lead by Quintus Titurius Sabinus campaigned in the peninsula in 56BC to put down the local uprisings by the Uenelli, Lexovii and Aulerci Federations after they had removed their tribal senators and rebelled against Caesars treaty. Sabinus then built a 3 legion encampment at Petit-Celland (close to modern Avranches) to control the area overlooking the Vire valley.

Virdovix, wth his federated army besieges the Romans but Sabinus refuses to be drawn to battle, the gauls daily taunting his cowardice for several days trying to draw him out to fight them.

Sabinus deceives the gauls that he was departing the encampment by sending a gallic auxiliary deserter to convince theVirdovix that the majority of the Roman army was in fear, had low morale were lacking in food and were deserting. Sabinus was withdrawing the following morning early to join Caesar in the south who was fighting the Veneti ( Nantes). Sabinus however places one legion at each gate in along with auxiliary cavalry.

The following morning the Roman commence the apparent departure and the gallic assault commences, Sabinus coordinates the two other legions departing from the encampments other gates to assault the flanks and the rear of the gallic attackers by the auxiliary cavalry. Many of the Gauls were killed pressed between the fortifications and the Roman legions on each flank. The Auxiliary cavalry follow up the fleeing gauls turning it into a slaughter, Virdovix is killed in the fighting at the battle of Vernix and the tribes sue for peace.


Monday, January 3, 2022

Ancients markers

Ancient Impetus Markers 

Impetus Markers

Another project completed last year. These markers were simple and have been sitting in my table to do’s pile for some time, the shields have been completed for a long time, all hand painted  except for the Roman one. I just needed to go upstairs sand the bases paint and glue them on. 
