Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It’s all Greek to me

 Over the years I have painted many Greek armies, then sold them on during one of my changes of periods etc. One of my good friends in Australia Spyrios has expressed a wish to build a Greek army for the 5th century BC, so I am off a tangent at the moment researching the period and minatures available ….. and guess what I accidentally purchased a few pieces to see what they paint up like as I was planning some Greeks this year …… so over the coming weeks I will be adding a few Greeks to my collection, particularly the Victrix plastics that are available. I am thinking something that can be expanded within my current collection of mercenary units for my early, late republican or Caesarian Roman’s. I am thinking either Pyrrhic or Thracian (or both) my current collection has a few mostly light infantry and cavalry (I have a lot of unpainted Foundry Thracians). I am leaning towards Thracians at the moment ….. but the thought of those capes …… anyway decisions, decisions. 

John Jenkins Designs 54mm Thracian general 




  1. Have you seen the new Alaha rules?

    1. No, just looked them up, did you play them at the SOA event ?

  2. That is a beautiful figure. At first the intricate painting on the figure attracts the eye, but then the eye falls on the horse …. Perfect, I haven’t seen a white horse as good as that - splendid piece.

  3. No I did not get to the event. I have a game lined up at the Falkirk club in a couple of weeks time
