Thursday, March 16, 2023

Test of Resolve Rules review

 Test of Resolve Rules Review

The War of the Roses always has been an interest of mine, but I have not really found a set of Rules that reflect the combat of the period. Recently I had David Knight one of the authors of the new Test of Resolve rules visit and he bought along his rules. We played 8 games over two days plus visited the Mad War chateaux and the battlefield of Saint Aubin du Cormier in Brittany. 

The rules are simple to follow and use a card driven mechanism for your turn, the units have simple formations and act how exactly how they should, archers, levy and MAA, plus mounted MAA options. You can easily build an army if you follow the basing recommended. The games are very rapid and you can easily complete a game in under two hours. The biggest bonus though are the scenario books which have every major conflict during the war, plus the rebellions and baron squabbles after. 

I would highly recommend them for those who are after a rapid war game that plays like a medieval battle. The research is excellent and I think the scenarios books are fabulous. The rules are available on Amazon. 


  1. Reject BigLee will be using these rules gor his 6mm WotR figures, looking forward to give them a go.

  2. Having helped Tim and David playtest almost every one of those scenarios, they are all fun, play quickly, and it is more than possible for either side to win. The number of troops required to play all the scenarios is not all that great, either!

    1. Yes attractive as you do not need a cast of thousands
