Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dutch 75mm Krupp Siderius field gun


 75mm Krupp Siderius 02/04 field gun

Off the desk today is two 75mm field guns, a limber with cassion and a observer element. The Dutch named the 75mm Krupp Siderius as the 7 veld gun, the guns served in both the Netherlands and in the Dutch East Indies. The 7 veld served the infantry divisions with 12 guns per battalion, and three battalions per division normally, two 7 veld and one 120mm or 150mm battalion per Infantry Division. 

Sixteen 7 velds were modified for the light division with rubber tyres and were towed by heavy cars, the remainder had wooden wheels. Only 2000 rounds in total were available for the 7 veld on the eve of the war so many division only carried one resupply for the guns. The 7 veld battalions where in the majority horse drawn for the war, along with horse drawn supply and associated services. 

The gun and miniatures are from Early War Miniatures, the cassion is from moonlight model works and Hat driver and horses. 
