Monday, December 7, 2020

Guerre Folle-Mad War Breton Crossbowmen

Breton compagnie d'ordonnance crossbow 

Another Breton unit off the table for my Breton army for the Mad War. The Breton Ordnance companies were required to have one Archer (crossbow, longbowman, or spearman) per every 10 hearths. In 1488 less than 20 per cent mustered, mostly because the French Army invaded during the harvest season. Some of the northern Arrie ban did muster from the city of Rennes and the border marches( Vitré, Dol and St Malo was occupied by French) and the Comte de Laval sided with the French, and many of the Marcher lords of Maine and Brittany owed fealty to both sides and did not even take part on either side.

Perry Miniatures again, the pavises are Perry plastics, lots more coming this week.




  1. Very nice...
    The pavises really stand out well...

    All the best. Aly

  2. Great looking crossbows, Matt. As Aly said, the pavises are very eye-catching.

  3. Another thumbs up for the bold Pavise designs!
