Monday, June 1, 2020

100 years war Knights/Chevaliers and squires/écuyers IV

100YW French Armagnac (knights and squires) Chevaliers & Écuyers

More Chevaliers and écuyers of Maine for the eleven local battles within 100klm, plus the 50 odd sieges. Still concentrating on my French army from Baugé to Verneuil, basing of the units has commenced and first units of Archers and Chevaliers/Écuyers are completed, photos this week. The figures are a mix of Perry plastics and metals for Chevaliers and Écuyers from Maine, Brittany, Normandy and Touraine.

The battlefield tour relating to our closest battles can be found here

Guillaume de Brée, Chevalier, seigneur Marpalu, Brée, Lucé, et Bahoulliére. In the company Guy de Laval 1422, la Brossinière, Baugé, Verneuil, Orleans, Normandy campaign 1431. 

Guillaume Blosset (Le Borgne-One eye) chevalier Banneret, seigneur de Saint Pierre et Carouges. In the company of Pierre d'Alençon (Bastard of Alençon) at Baugé, la Brossinière, siege of Chartres, Orleans,  coronation of Charles VI, butler and chamberlain of Charles VI. 

Macé de Richer, Écuyer, seigneur Domfront, Gaigne, et Monthéard, Azincourt, La Brossinière, Saint James, Avranches, Mount Saint Michel, Campaign Normandy 1431. In the company of Pierre d'Alençon.

Guillaume de Mirmande, écuyer, seigneur de Mirmande, fief de Saint-Jean-Lachalm. La Brossinière, Orleans, Saint James, Normandy campaign 1431, in the company of Jean d'Harcourt.

Jean de Gesvres, seigneur de la Rivère de Gesvres, in the company of and vassal to Jean de Vaux, La Brossinière, siege de Lava,l, siege de Orleans, Saint-James, Normandy campaign 1431, owed service to Chateau Mayenne 40 days.

René de Joncheres, écuyer, seigneur de Joncheres, Agincourt, La Brossinière, Saint James, Avranches, Mont Saint Michel, Normandy Campaign 1431, in the company of Pierre d'Alençon.

Jean de la Joue, écuyer, seigneur de la Blanchardiere et de la Caraterie. At Azincourt, siege de Alençon, Baugé, la Brossinière, siege de Saint Suzanne, Le Mans, Saint James, Laval, Avranches, Mont Saint Michel, Normandy campaign 1431. In the company Jean de Vaux

Jean de Cucé, écuyer, seigneur de Bourdneuf, youngest son Baron Cucé. In the garrison of Vitré, la Brossinière, Saint James, Avranches, Normandy campaign 1431. In the company Pierre d'Alençon.

"walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame in the afternoon"™ 

From Caesar to World War Two



  1. Superbes! Les détails sur les vêtements sont très impressionnants...

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Michael, the crazy stuff is coming

  3. I admire your patience to paint the coat of arms

    1. Lots of research first, then into batches for stars etc


  4. Gorgeous heraldry, splendid work!
    Best Iain

  5. Super work, Matt! You have a very steady hand.

  6. Stunning looking man-at-arms for your Armagnac Army! Great work on them!

    1. Thank you Dmitry, they are really looking colourful no I am basing them, still painting standards at the moment

  7. More loveliness Matt...
    This is such a tempting period... you’ve got me thinking about another Lion Rampant project now...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly, yes I love the period, but have never really been over specific until now, my old glory collection will need a revamp after I complete this lot!


  8. Wow...beautiful work...if you did all thos heraldic devices by hand, you have a very keen eye and steady hand!

  9. Superb work Matt! That heraldry is top notch.

  10. Great looking figures, and amazing job on the heraldry!
