Monday, March 2, 2020

Aulerci Diablintes Tribesmen VIII

Completed another unit for my Aulerci Diablintes tribe, we visit the Gallic Oppidum and new capital at Jublains.
Part of our “walk the battlefield in the morning, Wargame in the afternoon” tour and Wargame holiday packages.

Wargame and battlefield tours

Figures are 28mm Victrix miniatures with LBM transfers


  1. Matt, you continue doing great work on your Gauls. They will be a colorful and intimidating army once deployed for battle.

  2. Yes, I am really happy with its progress 30 more completed this week, basing to complete.

    I am thinking about going back to my mixed old glory, gripping beast, crusader and warlord games Gauls and replacing the shields so everything looks similar.

