Sunday, December 8, 2019

La Reine French line infantry Regiment 7YW

Off the desk this week La Reine line infantry regiment, 28mm Front Rank miniatures, just a joy to paint.

The regiment La Reine was raised in 1634 as a gentlemens regiment, the regiment caserne was  in Montpellier, by the seven years war the Queen was the Colonel, so the regiments were officered by Colonel lieutenants, From 1759 to 62 the regiment Colonel Lieutenant was Anne-Emmanuel-François-George Marquis de Crussol d'Ambois (who lost his head during the revolution). In 1762 the Colonel lieutenant was Charles-François-Casimir de Saulx, Comte de Tavannes until 1774. 

The first battalion had very little action in the European theatre, but the second fought in most the the major engagements in Canada. 

For sale €150 + postage, 24 figures plus mounted Colonel and battalion gun. Mark Sold in comments or use the contact form on the on the page.