Tuesday, July 23, 2019

28mm Royal Catholic Armee Vendee rebellion

Another current project is to increase the size of my Royal Catholic Armee for the French Revolution.  My current Vendee/Chouan collection is quite small, mostly because of the lack of suitable figures, I have all of the Foundry sculpts but they are quite limited and small true 25mm compared to current 28mm miniatures. I have been helping the guys at Revolutionary Armies range to complete a better and wider range of miniatures for the Vendee war. Excited to say that the initial sculpts are completed and at Griffin moulds being mastered at the moment a total of 72 individual miniatures, armed with muskets, swords, assorted pikes and farm implements will be produced for the Revolutionary mob and the Royal Catholic Army.

My plan is to build my army for the big battle of Entrammes which is 35klms away from our Maison. The battlefield is largely unspoilt so it can be walked, as part of our "walk the battlefield in the morning, then Wargame it in the afternoon"© tours, plus two other large skirmishes at  Croix-Bataille and the city of Laval.

The 28mm Revolutionary Armies range is now available from the Emperors Toad Emporium  and includes a wide and complete range of armies from early Revolution through to 1806.

Firing line 


  1. Unusual and fun looking force,I look forward to seeing your painted versions!
    Best Iain

  2. These are good looking sculpts. Like Iain, I look forward to seeing them a slap of paint.

  3. Hoping I will see them early! Looking forward to building my army need about 90 odd figures with makeshift weapons

  4. Nice! I'm in need of figures for SP II games. Looking forward to seeing rhe final products
