Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gaulois Aulerci Diablintes Noble Cavalry 28mm Victrix

Off the table this week more additions to the Aulerci Diablintes, this time Noble heavy cavalry, I have four more bases to complete to finish the cavalry. The Victrix cavalry are quite nice with lots of movement, my only complaint are the ears of the horse which are facing sideways, not forward or back. I used LBM transfers for the shields which are a little difficult but worth the effort. The checked fabric worked out quite well, a lot more to go, based for Impetus, I do need to add some tufts when they arrive.

The desk is very busy at the moment with multiple periods underway to meet the demand of upcoming Wargame events at L'Hotel de Hercé in the next few weeks.

Enjoy the pics



  1. Fantastic work Matt! I'm painting some of these too at the moment - Victrix are such great figures.

    1. There are very nice Mick and have very good features that makes them a breeze to paint

