Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gallic Flasher Fanatics

Some Black Tree Design Celts I bought at our clubs great marulan car boot sale last month, I needed to paint them as they wouldn't fit in the fully packed to the top celt box with 400 odd figures! I enjoyed painting these guys and tried using some old GW inks (from the 80s), I like the blue the best, the green is OK and a little disatified with the red, I have started like everybody else to use silfor tufts which add a wild grass look to bases and will continue the theme with the rest of my romans and celts, I guess I will also revisit my painted ancients also.



  1. Very Nice work!
    I have a considerable number of BTD German "Clubmen" / "Fanatics" myself that will soon be finished. Nice miniatures

  2. Thanks Scott, the rest of my celts are warlord and first corps so they are a little big so they may be sold later on, maybe at cancon

