Friday, November 19, 2010

Roman Auxilia

Roman Auxilia Infantry and Cavalry

I finished a lot of these guys last year for Craigs 40th birthday bash, I have started to revisit my early and late republican and imperial roman armies and some of their enemies and allies and finish off a number of half completed units. Some items that need to be done are all of my republicans shields need transfers, I am short shields for my celts and germans plus transfers, and I need finish my republican roman cavalry two Alae.

In the coming weeks I intend to start my mixed Warlord and (perry bros) foundry Roman Augustan 1st cent AD army, then move onto my third cent army over the Christmas period.

A good mix of figures below, Warlord metals and plastics, some Foundry, Blacktree and First corps.

First corps Germanic 

Warlord Wardogs and Handler, some first corps dogs too!

Warlord Gallic Druid

Warlord Gallic Witch

Warlord Gallic Druid/ General

Black Tree Elephant with Numidian crew

Warlord metal and Plastic Imperial auxilia
Cohors II Britannorum

Warlord Belaric Slingers

First corps and Warlord Archers

First Corps Germanic 

First Corps and Warlord Eastern Archers
Cohors Augusta Nervia Pacensis


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