Saturday, December 31, 2022

Christmas Haul 2022

 A big seasons greetings to you on New Year’s Eve. I thought I would pop up my Christmas gifts this year and a few projects will be completed during the year with the purchases. We are having the first four months off this year to catch up on renovations and I should catch up on some painting so expect quite a few updates over the next few months.

First up with my haul is my warlord games 28mm Caesarian Roman’s so I can complete the legion,  Perry 28mm Austrian heavy cavalry for the heavy cavalry brigade, two 1/72 Fokker triplanes for my planned Jasta 11,  a GR1 harrier for my old war Brit’s and JU52 to support my fallschirmjager.

20mm US airborne  regiment for Normandy from Simon’s Soldiers, plus a few Brit Airborne bits. 

Books, a wide mix, one set of rules from my mate Carlo Pagano, looking forward to these and my French Foreign Legion desert games, a few WW2, especially looking forward to Greg’s Jungle cavalry, Australian Commando book, plus the new Harry Sidebottom, “the mad emperor” , and a bunch of medieval reading for winter!

Have a very Happy New Year! 



Sunday, December 18, 2022