Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Imperial Roman testudo

Roman Imperial Testudo

Ok, just finished off a few odds and sods on the desk, as part of the 30 minute 30 day painting challenge. First of the cab rank Blacktree design roman testudo. A few scratch builds to get it to work


Napoleonic Generals

I have been partaking in the 30 minute 30 day painting challenge on Facebook, getting lots done.

I have decided to clear my desk before I put another project on it, currently it is packed with Napoleonic French and Baden miniatures, plus celts and bits.

First up Division General and ADC, actually a touch up and rebase job for these.

Cuirassier General new


FIW Indians

I decided to complete these Indians that were in my lead pile last month then sell them to fund new projects. Enjoyed painting the Front Rank miniatures
