Roman markers

Imperial Roman Casualties

Some Roman Markers for my Imperial Roman army, as always an added addition to my Roman armies, I am yet to add shields to the bases I will do this at a later date!


King Kong!

I have had this chap for some time, when Daze miniatures released him I knew I had to have one (ooooh shiney thing) and he has been involved with one game so far "Up the Waazoo" .... so until we return to the tropics here are a few pics I have of him.....

Pulp Chinese Warlord

More Bob Murch figures this time Warlord Chinese, which have been used in all of our Clubs Pulp games thus far. Lovely figures with lots of variants to make any Pulp gamer happy!


Pulp Japanese

Bob Murch continues to empty my wallet with some very fine miniatures to tempt any Pulp player out there, these figures were a breeze to paint and have plenty of character to add to your Pulp Madness!!

I originally bought these for our clubs very first pulp game and whilst under the command of Louis they were victorious, since then not so victorious!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pulp Inuit Hunters

Another addition to my snow pulp figures, some fine Inuit Hunters from Copplestone, these figures will be used in a Christmas in July Game I am hosting!!!!!

I enjoyed painting these as I played around with the skin types a little, I was happy with the result but on further thought a bit more brown may of achieved a bit more of a weather beaten face, maybe next time........


Saturday, March 5, 2011

ACW Limber out of Ammo

These are actually repaints as they tend to get knocked about during our ACW games, in Jonny Reb double or tripple sixs result in a out of ammo marker being placed next to the . Boyd and I prefer these than simple cardboard cut pieces, they are available from Eureka miniatures, made for 15mm and 28mm Fire and Fury.

The two limbers are From redoubt I think


Pontic casualty markers

I decided last week to do my casualty markers for WAB. When units are all cut down you are supposed to leave markers so the ground becomes literally "dead ground", and I always forget about this rule so I plan to go back and do some markers for all of my armies (and I may actually use those dead elephants I have!) not that my Pontic army wants to be all ridden down! Off the table this weekend I expect to get my next Pike block and some other bits and pieces, a customers order, some more Sassanids, more Pulp and some late Romans. The next thing to be done is work out which list to use from the Alexander book(probaly Persian).
